بمجرد ما ترسل الى الضحية اي شئ من محتويات هدا الملف راح يحصل على ban في جميع الغرف. لا باس ادا اردت ان تجربه على نفسك وهده طريقة ازالة ban من الغرف: "Start" "Run" type in Regedit Look for HKEY_CURRENT_USERAppEventsEventLabels You Should See The Incoming-Fax Delete It Now Check HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftNSPlugins In that area just like where you saw Incoming-Fax there is a file called "pgnumber" If its there Delete it this is a backup of the ban so when you delete that Incoming-Fax and you try can sign on with another nick your still ban so remove that pgnumber key Now last step Make A New Nick And Your Back enjoy self bro;)